Was Shakoor

821 days ago

Karma: Tod Kozel of £1 billion ramp Gulf Keystone infamy sent to prison for 5 years

Do you remember when Gulf Keystone (GKP) was the darling of the Bulletin Board Morons?  Its market cap surged to £1 billion as its lying charlatan of a founder and CEO Tod Kozel claimed it had reserves greater than Shell.  The self described “Tod Squad” of Bulletin Board worshippers insisted that folks like myself, Lucian and Was Shakoor who called out Tod’s bogus claims and the insane valuation were being reported to the FCA and would go to jail. Oh what sweet irony…


2946 days ago

Metal Tiger the debate - CEOs should not talk share prices on twitter

I stand accused by Was Shakoor, Doc Holiday and others of being a tad charitable towards Metal Tiger (MTR) in today's BearCast HERE. Folks if you listen carefully you will note that I said the shares were clearly overvalued in relation to NAV. I do however make one observation about a tweet below from Paul Johnson the CEO.


2946 days ago

Tom Winnifrith BearCast 8 April - Waz v Metal Tiger as Oakley & I tidy up

If a I yawn a bit it is because the Mrs was away last night so I stayed up late watching a great Dan Snow programme about the vikings. I digress. I start with Gary Newman and Waz Shakoor vs Metal Tiger (MTR). Then it is on to Pathfinder Minerals (PFP), Greatland Gold (GGP) - it looks wrong to me - Bonmarche (BON), Edenville (EDL), Milamber Ventures (MLVP), Strat Aero (AERO) and once again Ascent (AST) where management are now reaping what they sowed. Oh, and we have some exciting news on www.UKInvestorshow - Ho, ho, ho. The Oakley headline is explained in the podcast.
